On Thu, 8 Nov 2007, Leonard Lilla wrote:

           Talk about a horrible install. Install this CD, now that now
this now that now this now that!!! It goes on and on.

Can't tell what you're talking about. Did you try to install "All packages"? Is that option even still available?

Please do think about people that are trying your install and are less knowledgeable and install using your 2 cd install. It is just horrible how many times I went from CD1 to CD2 and forth and back and back and forth. Just a killer. If I needed exercise I would have called my trainer.

Realize that you give exactly zero specifics here. What did you do? I agree that some options on this install should be removed, as they're not helpful and give beginners more foot-shooting opportunities.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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