2007/12/11, Jonathan Horne [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> out of curiosity, are you pinging from the 4-interfaced-connected BSD
> box, or some other workstation that is trying to use the BSD box as its
> gateway?

>From a workstation that is trying to use BSD box as its gateway and have the
ip of the BSD box as it's default gateway in network settings. My BSD box
can ping to everywhere.

2007/12/11, Erik Norgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Could you post your configuration, rc.conf, just the entries related to
> network interfaces and routing?
> The BSD box should automatically route any packets between imidiately
> connected networks without adding any static routes. Do you have any
> firewalling enabled?
> Cheers, Erik

I'm not in my work anymore but I'll try to remember it as it is:

ifconfig_em0="inet XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX netmask"
ifconfig_xl0="inet netmask"
ifconfig_xl1="inet netmask"
ifconfig_xl2="inet netmask"

The rest is just is all the default from the installation.

2007/12/11, Eric Crist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Add
> gateway_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf.
> Make sure your other systems use the freebsd box in question as their
> default route.
> make sure your firewall, if you have one, is passing the traffic
> between the two networks.
> Use pf or some other means to nat outbound traffic.

I already have this line in my rc.conf.

2007/12/11, Trix Farrar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> It sounds like your BSD server is configured correctly.  You may,
> however, need to tell the other devices on your different networks how
> to find their way.
> Given that you have networks A, B and C that are each connected to
> each other by your BSD server, F, the hosts on network A have to know
> how to find network B and network C.  If the three networks already
> have routers the hosts use as a default gateway, then those routers
> will need to have routes added to find your other networks; the
> network A router needs to have routes to networks B and C that point
> to your BSD server and so on.

How I do that?

Thankz guyz for your attention with me! I'm going to have nightmares with
this trouble.
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