Mike Meyer wrote:

Mike Meyer wrote:

The only way to change this behavior is to change the kernel source to
support it.  Expect resistance from every developer in a country that
doesn't use the English alphabet if you try and get that change put
into the tree.
What about a feature that allows an administrator to list characters
that are disallowed in filenames and directory names?
As for problems, what happens if you're extracting an archive that
includes one of the "illegal" characters. Most archivers just stop
dead on open errors. That's pretty useless. What should happen, and why?
What would happen if you tried to extract an archive where the filenames
had \x00 in them?  Wouldn't be much worse than mkisofs when it can't
figure out an iso9660 name for a file.

What happens if I try and open an existing file that has an illegal
character in the file name? If it's allowed, why? If it isn't, what
error does it return, and why?
Don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to open it.  I'm talking
about restricting the _creation_ of filenames.

You don't think that would be useful?  Do you really think admins would
mind?  I think it would be very helpful - I'd disallow whitespace right
off the bat, as it causes more problems than I can keep track of!
Not even MS-DOS is that restrictive. Which means you either have to
apply the restrictions to foreign file systems, or you haven't solved
your problem. Of course, if your foreign file systems are used by
foreign OS's, you may suddenly find yourself with files with spaces in
the names anyway.
That's why I want to restrict it!  The biggest problems I have is with
fileservers that are for Mac, Windows, and Unix clients all.  They are
always creating files that the other two systems can't easily use!

Besides, you may someday start using a GUI file browser, and suddenly
you won't be able to have a file that has your name on it.
Use underscores, capitilization, dashes, ... we're not talking about the
end of the world here.

That would
suck. I won't talk about explaining to Mac users why they couldn't put
'/' in their file names on Unix. We also won't talk about creating
files called "* " in some poor victims directory...
That's another good reason to restrict it ... so you can't create files
such as '*' and '?' and similar.

It's funny - for years, I used to make fun of Microso~ because they
had such screwy file name constraints. Now they've fixed their file
systems, and people want to impose constraints on the file systems I
use every day.
No, not the filesystem, certain servers.  At the discretion of the
sysadmin.  Power to the sysadmins!!

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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