On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 11:34:56PM -0500, Matt Winslow wrote:
> I'm trying to run dual servers (for redundancy...and just to learn), and
> need help on easy ways to maintain a second server, that will perfectly
> mirror the data on the first.  Is using rsync running every minute a good
> option?  Are there better ones?  Also, how do I set the second server to use
> the passwords/permissons from the main server.

I use rsync for the same purpose (and to make local backups of the data
on the web servers).  How busy do you expect the boxes to be?  I'm not
sure running it every minute is desirable, but if they are not particularly
heavily loaded, it should be fine.  Be prepared to tweak, though, until
you find the right balance between performance and synchronous data.

As for passwords and permissions, I guess you are talking about passwords
etc for access to .htaccess-protected areas?  If so, make sure your passwd
database (the apache-specific one, not the /etc/passwd!) is included in
the rsync runs.  rsync will allow you to preserve file ownership and
permissions during the transfer, so this shouldn't be a worry - just
read the man page and select the appropriate options.

Depending on how sophisticated you want to be, you can run the rsync in
job in pull mode from the slave server, so it can restart the web server
if you change its config on the master machine.  The possibilities are
endless, though.  Play with it and have fun!

> Thanks for your help in advance.  Links to resources are appreciated, so I
> can learn.
> Matt Winslow

Daniel Bye

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