Jonathan Chen writes:

>  > I am seeing the following messages, which appear to indicate a memory 
>  > overwrite:
>  > Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system processs 'vnlru' to stop...done
>  > Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system processs 'bufdaemon' to stop...done
>  > a
>  >  iStyinncgi n(gm adxi s6k0s ,s evcnoonddess)  rfeomra isnyisntge.m. .pr0o 
>  > cess 'syncer' to stop...0 0 done
>  > All buffers synced.
>  > Uptime: 8m9s
>  It's an interleaved buffer messages on SMP systems. The problem is
>  known, but I haven't heard of a proposed solution yet.

        There is no fix.
        The workaround is to increase the size of the kernel printf()
buffer.  I don't remember how you do that ... but this is not a new
issue - chech the archives for details.

                                Robert Huff

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