Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Predrag
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 12:25 PM
To: David Kelly
Cc: Gary Kline; FreeBSD Mailing List
Subject: Re: DJ500 dead after >= 16 years.

David Kelly wrote:
On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 12:02:25AM -0800, Gary Kline wrote:

        Nutshell, I'd like anyone's ideas/experiences with some of these
        new HP/<<< or whateverbrand>>> printers. I wouldn't *mind* if I
        could scan in text from a techy paper into HTML or PDF or text.
        But mostly, like 99.44%  plain black text.  My old deskjet used
        gs as a filter to print PostScript.  Do we have any such plugin
        support, or are printers still roll-your-own?  [FWIW, I can't
        seem to get CUPS working...  altho it maay be my misssing

Why don't you check http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting for
the most comprehensive information available.

Just couple a comments. I would keep native LPD spooling system instead
installing CUPS unless you need to use something
like HPLIP drivers.

You do not need CUPS for the hplip drivers, you can use lpd if you

To be perfectly clear on this, all that CUPS is, is 4 things:

Spool manager - LPD does this

Speaks IPP protocol - LPD also does this except it speaks LPR protocol

Easy user interface for the options needed by some of the more complex
filters. - lpd does NOT do this BUT, you can do it by writing
your own filter script and coding the options you want into it.
Note that most options are set once and forget, so CUPS really
doesen't add much here.  CUPS uses Postscript PPD files to automagically
generate the webpage the user fills out to select these options.

web-interface for job mangement - well who needs this for a
personal printer attached to a workstation?

The reason CUPS is used so much is that it dummifies the
chain of hooking together programs into a black box.  So,
people who don't understand what is going on can setup a
printer by clicking buttons.  That is fine if your printer
model is supported.  But if it doesen't work or if the model
is a new one that the cups people haven't quite yet got around
to testing with, or nobody has written a .PPD file for it,
you have to understand what is going on then.

I've posted the following before, but here's the instructions
I use for setting up my C84 without CUPS, so you can see
how this kind of thing works.  They are just a bit old but
still work if you change the version #s.  The setup uses the IJS output
from Ghostscript and feeds it into gimpprint.  The HPLIP
scheme works exactly the same way except that instead of
gimpprint, you use the hpijs driver along with the required

1) setup print queue

Add the following to the end of /etc/printcap:

lp-epson|Epson C84 Color printer:\

lp-epson-raw|Epson C84 Color Printer - raw for Windows systems:\


Create the print queues:

cd /var/spool/output

mkdir lp-epson
mkdir lp-epson-raw

Add in access for the local systems

cat /etc/hosts.lpd
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/hosts.lpd,v 1.4 1999/08/27 23:23:42 peter Exp $
# See lpd(8)

Run some test prints through the queues:

cd /etc
ls -l | lpr -P lp-text

Send a test print page from the Windows 2K workstation
via lpr to the print queue on the BSD box

(do a chmod 664 on the lock file in the lp-epson-raw queue, since network
LPR doesen't set the mask up properly per submitted bug)

2) Install the tools to image a printjob for the Epson, as follows:

cd /usr/ports/print/gimp-print
cd work/gimp-print-4.2.7/src/escputil
./escputil -i -u -r /dev/lpt0 (checks ink levels)
./escputil -n -u -r /dev/lpt0 (prints nozzle alignment)
(try some other commands to see if the level of support is better)
cd ../../../../
make WITHOUT_CUPS=yes install
cd ../ghostscript-gnu
make install
Deselect all the printers, leave in stp and ijs driver, as well
as all the X-windows drivers and the jpg and other image drivers.

test the ghostscript install:

cd /root
man -t which > which.ps
gs -dBATCH -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=test.jpg which.ps
open test.jpg in a browser and see if the page is there

Now test gimpprint and ghostscript:

first manually with the command,

gs -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=/usr/local/bin/ijsgimpprint -sDeviceManufacturer
=EPSON  -sDeviceModel=escp2-c84 -sIjsParams=Quality=720x360sw,InkType=CMYK
,MediaType=Plain -dIjsUseOutputFD -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sOutputFile=test.out

lpr -P lp-epson-raw test.out

Create the file /usr/local/bin/epsonfilter with the following contents:

# Script that runs gimp-print for the Epson
/usr/local/bin/gs -q -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=/usr/local/bin/ijsgimpprint -s
DeviceManufacturer=EPSON  -sDeviceModel=escp2-c84 -sIjsParams=Quality=720x
360sw,InkType=CMYK,MediaType=Plain -dIjsUseOutputFD -dNOPAUSE -dNOBATCH -dSA
FER -sOutputFile=- -

test with firefox and
 use the printer lpr -P lp-epson

test PS file:  /usr/local/share/ghostscript/7.07/examples/colorcir.ps

This is now a real thing!!! Thank you so much for this how to!

I was wondering myself why would one need CUPS to use HPLIP but I never had the gut to ask anybody as I didn't want to look like an idiot. In reality the only semi-serious document about setting HPLIP I have seen for FreeBSD is Daniel W. Steinbrook's how to which walks you through but doesn't explain how the things really work and why does he need CUPS.

I learned a lot from your The FreeBSD Corporate Network's Guide.
I would really love to see you personally updating chapter about printing in the Handbook. Chapter is well written but seems that it lacks details about filters and drivers necessary to set printers which speak only PCL. Most users including the University where I work do have some if not most printers which do NOT speak Post Script. The knowledge to edit the printcap file and how to utilize various filters seems to me as paramount importance. However, like probably on many other places the system administrators choose "easy" route which is using CUPS and buying printers that are documented to work with PPD files they can get from Linux Printing web-site. I do not think that they have every used foomatic rip to get PPD for a printer.

Even worse they use Ubuntu for Printer Server and they are clueless what is really going on. At some point I was contemplating to buy http://www.amazon.com/CUPS-Common-Printing-System-White/dp/0672321963
and try to learn how really CUPS does work.

The problem with that is that the more I learn about Unix Printing it is less clearly to me why the hack do we need CUPS anyway. For a really novice user I find apsfilter and running ./SETUP script far easier than using idiotic CUPS web-tool. Native LPD system is easy to trouble shoot, including network printing and I am not a system administrator by profession. Whole that mambo-jambo thing about security problems with LPD in the past seems absurd as even my home printer servers and stations are behind two layers of firewalls deep behind in the LAN zone.

I would really love to see you writing a book about Unix printing as except the above book about CUPS I have not seen a single book entirely dedicated to Unix printing. I would love to learn from you advantages and disadvantages of common spooling systems LPD, LPRng, CUPS, and PDQ. I would love to see comprehensive paper explaining in the details printing process on the printers which speak PostScript or PCL. And trust me I did read blue and green book for Post Scrip language and are read through HP technical notes regarding CPL release.

I would love to see comprehensive compassion of various auxiliary filters a2ps, apsfilter, magicfilter, ifhp, foomatic and explanation how they work. I would love to see driver comparation ghostscrip vs gutenprint vs hplip. I would love to see lots of examples of the printcap files which were used on real *BSD machines in various situations network situation including heavy network printing with various groups, priorities, and quotas.

Maybe most people who use computers want them just to work but I personally love to know how they do it. In detail:-)

Most Kind Regards,

Predrag Punosevac


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