On Wednesday 07 May 2008 06:16:19 Norbert Papke wrote:
> On May 6, 2008, Gilles wrote:
> > Is there a way to configure SSHd, so that the wait time between login
> > attempts increases after X failed tries?
> I run sshd via inetd rather than as a stand-alone daemon.  inetd provides
> optional rate limiting functionality.  For instance. putting
>    ssh stream  tcp  nowait/20/4/10  root  /usr/sbin/sshd  sshd -i
> into /etc/inetd.conf set a limit of
> * 20 overall ssh connections
> * 4 connection attempts per minute
> * at most 10 connections from a single IP
> This works very well on a personal server, not sure how it scales up.

So if I copy over some files via scp, I can lock myself out. Fun stuff ;)

Problem with today's modular software: they start with the modules
    and never get to the software part.
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