On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 08:25:22AM +0200, Colin Brace wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am having difficulties mounting a USB drive under 7.0-STABLE. Running
> sysinstall, I can create a partition and format it. But sysinstall is
> unable to mount it:
> Error mounting /dev/da0s1d on /media/disk6 : Invalid argument
> The same error ocurrs when I try to mount it manually on the command line.
> I have tried various mount points, to no avail. 
> Anyone have any ideas what is going wrong?

Can you show us what is shown in the dmesg output when you plug this
drive in, which devices are then created and the exact command that you
used to mount it?

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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