dhaneshk k wrote:

 people :      I am facing a  issue , in my FreeBSD server box   the   /var  
(85 %  now)  directory is going to full , no space left in this  disk anymore .

But I have another disk in my box which is of 140 GB fresh disk , this I have to add so I gone through the FreeBSD hand book of adding a new disk .

  According to docs  I  sliced and partitioned the second disk ,

 one doubt  :  here I created  10GB  bsd partition  in the second disk  ,

I have to assign o assign this for /var (in my first disk /var is going to full)

Q1 ) so in /etc/fstab , the mount point what I have to specify ? /var itself or I need to create a directory (mkdir /myspace ) and add it as the mount point in /etc/fstab ? like this

    /dev/da1s1e    /myspace       ufs      rw      2     2

OR /dev/da1s1e /var ufs rw 2 2

which one is correct  ?

and after this editing of  /etc/fstab   and restarting of the machine .

Q 2 ) my serverbox how it will continue to use the newly added space ? for this I have to do any thing

some one told me that I have to copy all the contents of the /var of first disk to this newly added space
is it right ?

how to do that

Q3 ) dd /dev/da0s1d /dev/da1s1/e right ? (to copy the content from /var (/dev/da0s1d) of the first disk to the newly added space for var on the second disk (/dev/da1s1e )

Q4 ) Is it needed to install all the applications which already installed in the /var of the first disk to the newly added space on the second disk?

please give your tips and advice to achieve what I am trying to do. Many of you may have done this before please help with your comments

Thanks in advance for all of you Dhanesh

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You will have to do something like the following:

- Mount the new partition to a temporary mount point (like /mnt) i.e.:

mount /dev/da1s1e   /mnt

- Copy all the contents from /var to /mnt. Since /var is in use in a running system, the results maybe less than optimal. I suggest you switch to single user mode for doing this:

shutdown now

Use something like the following to transfer the files and permissions:

tar cfC - /var . | tar xpfC - /mnt

(thank you M.W. Lucas!)

Now, unmount /var and /mnt and mount your new var:

umount   /var   /mnt
mount -o rw /dev/da1s1e  /var

Edit /etc/fstab and update it for the new disk:

/dev/da1s1e      /var       ufs      rw     2    2

either exit to multi user mode or reboot. Of course, check that the files were actually copied to their right places first!

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