
Can anyone point me to a guide on trouble shooting samba performance
or a quick list of common issues I can check for.
I've been googling but haven't found much that referenced a recent
version of FreeBSD and Samba.

I am running FreeBSD 7.0 on VmWare Server 2.0 hosted on a CentOS Linux box.
I've used nttcp and iozone to verify that the performance of the
FreeBSD 7.0 VM is good and am able to copy 6.5GB on disk from one
location to another in about 2.5 minutes.

Copying to a Windows 2003 server yields a 45 minute transfer time.

Copying to a Windows XP workstation yields a 4 minute transfer time

FreeBSD 7.0  --> FreeBSD 7.0  -- 2.5 minutes ( copying on disk )
FreeBSD 7.0 --> WinXP -- 4 minutes ( samba )
FreeBSD 7.0 -> Windows 2003 -- 45 minutes ( samba )
WinXP --> Windows 2003 -- 5 minutes

Both windows machines are on the same domain.

I've used samba for a number of years and this is the first time I've
ran into a problem such as this.

So if someone could give me a good starting point on how to
troubleshoot this I'd appreciate it.

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