Quoting David Gurvich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I am using FreeBSD-7.0-RELEASE and an intel 2100 wireless mini-pci
card.  The wireless connection is to a linksys router which then
connects to a second router that acts as a DHCP server and gateway.

I have the same set up and my linksys serves as my wireless access point.

The commands I use to start are the following:
wpa_supplicant -D bsd -i ipw0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B
ifconfig ipw0 192.168.x.x
route add default gateway_ip

Why do you need to specify the driver? I have the 3945abg card and hence the OS can see the iface why would you then specify the driver?

Have you tried wpa_supplicant -ddD bsd -i ipw0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B

(-d is for debbugin -dd is for twice the verbosity)

Can you try running wpa_supplicant -id ipw0 -c /etc/***wpa.conf &

if you are running off an dhcp server after connecting to the wireless gateway why don't you just run:

dhclient ipw0?

Sounds like you are making it more dificult then it needs to be, maybe I am wrong


I have no problem with establishing a connection, in fact that works
quite easily.  After a period of time, I realize that I have no
Internet access.  I can ping the wireless router, but not the
DHCP/gateway nor any outside IP.

When I check to see if wpa_supplicant is running, I see that it is not.
Restarting wpa_supplicant and resetting the routing table reestablishes
all connections. Is there some reason that wpa_supplicant would stop

As a side note, macosx seems to have no problems with this
configuration on a different machine.

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