On Sat, 11 Oct 2008 04:17:24 -0700
Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>People will use whatever gets the job done for them.  If it doesn't,
>users *will* switch to another operating system, and there is
>absolutely nothing wrong with that.  Why?  Because reality states:
>solving problems is more important than advocacy or "superiority".

I could not have said it better myself. While the hobbyist can afford
to spend whatever time they have available on their hobby; in a business
environment, results are what matter first and foremost. Neither
software nor hardware, irregardless of cost, is of any use if it does
not work, and work well. A pseudo elitist attitude is just not
acceptable in a corporate atmosphere.


Bubble Memory, n.: A derogatory term, usually referring to a person's
intelligence.  See also "vacuum tube".

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