On Behalf Of RW

> I don't normally do this as Watson is usually less impressed when
> Holmes reveals his working, but the clues were there. He wrote: 
>    "install software with ports (i.e, the 
>    /usr/ports collection.)"
> and 
>    "FTP to grab source files from mirrors"
> If you combine that with crediting the poster with enough common sense
> to mention he was using a version before 6.2, then it seemed unlikely
> to be a problem with active FTP. 
> BTW neither of us actually answered the question. I know I forgot as I
> was in a hurry. I'm pretty sure you didn't either, but I don't have
> time to read all of your reply in detail.
> The answer is: enable outgoing tcp connections to port 21 and to all
> ports above 1023.

Is there a way to set up any firewall so that while there is an active
outgoing connection on port 21, allow any incoming connections from the
same IP address?

Bob McConnell
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