Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:35:30PM -0400, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

>> Okay, I guess I'm a little confused by the line about "ONLY allow data
>> back on these ports IF the windows box has established the connection
>> out first then deny everything else."  I read that as saying that the
>> Windows box had sent a packet on the same connection (4-tuple, at
>> least) that should be later accepted heading *to* the Windows box.
>> That's just a stateful rule, and it seems to be at odds with what you
>> wrote in your first message in the thread.  The apparent disagreement
>> was why I said anything in the first place; it sounds like there's
>> more than one model of how the game works.
> I understand the confusion.  Here's the actual protocol that the game
> appears to be using (since the OP has stated forwarding a port range to
> his LAN PC solves the problem -- meaning, his original description of
> how the game protocol worked is accurate):

I see.  If that is the case, then the word "connection" in the line I
quoted from Jack Barnett does *not* mean a TCP session, but something
a little more nebulous.  "Game session" might cover it.  

[I *was* aware of that possible confusion, which was why I specified
an address/port tuple as the definition of "connection."]

Sorry for the distraction; I see that (short of a deep-inspection
snooping of the protocol), what has already been done is as good as
you can get.

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
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