"fire jotawski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:59 PM, Lowell Gilbert <
>> "fire jotawski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > i have my small box, ip,  that cvsup-ed files from repository
>> into
>> > it.  it use cvs-supfile in /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ to collect files.
>> > now that i want my other machine to cvsup 6.2-release source files from
>> the
>> > one mentioned above.
>> >
>> > my  trial was
>> >
>> > cvsupd -b /var/db -c sup
>> >
>> > for box, ip,  and for other machine
>> >
>> > cvsup -g -L 2 -h sup-file
>> >
>> > what i got was  'Server message: Unknown collection "src-all" ' message.
>> > and later on
>> >
>> > Running
>> > Skipping collection src-all/cvs
>> > Skipping collection doc-all/cvs
>> > Shutting down connection to server
>> > Finished successfully
>> >
>> > very strange indeed.
>> >
>> > any helps and hints in setting cvsup server would highly be appreciated.
>> To run cvsupd, you need the whole cvs tree for the collections you're
>> handling, not just the checked-out files.
>> Assuming these machines are attached by a protected network, a better
>> approach (easier, anyway) would probably be to cvsup the changes to
>> just one machine, then NFS-mount that machine's ports tree from the
>> other machine.
>> --
>> Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
>> http://be-well.ilk.org/~lowell/<http://be-well.ilk.org/%7Elowell/>
> thanks indeed and apologized me for postponing answer to all of postings.
> what about cvs then.  i did  this
> cvs -d /home/ncvs checkout ports
> and i got some thing quite similar to ports tree indeed.

What did you think that command was going to do?  Do you have a full cvs
ports tree under /home/ncvs?  How did you get that?

My understanding was that you wanted to put the ports tree on one
machine (call it the "master"), then use it to install ports on other
machines that are local to the master.  The way to do that would be to
use cvsup as normal on the master, and build all the ports there.  Then
you can use NFS to mount /usr/ports on the other machines, and install
the ports on them as well.  To speed things up, you can set WRKDIRPREFIX
to point at local disk space on the client machines.  You can even have
the master machine build packages, avoiding the need to build the ports
from source on the clients.

Does that make sense to you?  Do you need it described in more detail?

Good luck.
Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
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