On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 12:31 AM, Lowell Gilbert <

> "fire jotawski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:59 PM, Lowell Gilbert <
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> "fire jotawski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>
> >> > i have my small box, ip,  that cvsup-ed files from
> repository
> >> into
> >> > it.  it use cvs-supfile in /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ to collect
> files.
> >> > now that i want my other machine to cvsup 6.2-release source files
> from
> >> the
> >> > one mentioned above.
> >> >
> >> > my  trial was
> >> >
> >> > cvsupd -b /var/db -c sup
> >> >
> >> > for box, ip,  and for other machine
> >> >
> >> > cvsup -g -L 2 -h sup-file
> >> >
> >> > what i got was  'Server message: Unknown collection "src-all" '
> message.
> >> > and later on
> >> >
> >> > Running
> >> > Skipping collection src-all/cvs
> >> > Skipping collection doc-all/cvs
> >> > Shutting down connection to server
> >> > Finished successfully
> >> >
> >> > very strange indeed.
> >> >
> >> > any helps and hints in setting cvsup server would highly be
> appreciated.
> >>
> >> To run cvsupd, you need the whole cvs tree for the collections you're
> >> handling, not just the checked-out files.
> >>
> >> Assuming these machines are attached by a protected network, a better
> >> approach (easier, anyway) would probably be to cvsup the changes to
> >> just one machine, then NFS-mount that machine's ports tree from the
> >> other machine.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
> >>                
> >> http://be-well.ilk.org/~lowell/<http://be-well.ilk.org/%7Elowell/>
> <http://be-well.ilk.org/%7Elowell/>
> >>
> >
> >
> > thanks indeed and apologized me for postponing answer to all of postings.
> > what about cvs then.  i did  this
> >
> > cvs -d /home/ncvs checkout ports
> >
> > and i got some thing quite similar to ports tree indeed.
> What did you think that command was going to do?  Do you have a full cvs
> ports tree under /home/ncvs?  How did you get that?

i did cvsup with supfile given in example,
and set base to /var/db and prefix to /home/ncvs as suggested and then

cvsup -g -L 2 -h HOST /usr/share/examples/cvsup/cvs-supfile

where HOST is the one that run fastest in local area around my country.

> My understanding was that you wanted to put the ports tree on one
> machine (call it the "master"), then use it to install ports on other
> machines that are local to the master.  The way to do that would be to
> use cvsup as normal on the master, and build all the ports there.  Then
> you can use NFS to mount /usr/ports on the other machines, and install
> the ports on them as well.  To speed things up, you can set WRKDIRPREFIX
> to point at local disk space on the client machines.  You can even have
> the master machine build packages, avoiding the need to build the ports
> from source on the clients.
> Does that make sense to you?  Do you need it described in more detail?

my real problem is that i can not do cvsup from any machine in my office.
but there is no problem at home.  so i simply bring my notebook home and do
cvsup as above.  later on at the office, i want my other machine get
/usr/src from my notebook but i can not and that's my problem.

and frankly speaking my english is quite poor, i spend the whole week end to
understand documents cited.
unfortunately, that bring me more problem and that's why i revert back to my
instinct with cvs.

anyway, i really appreciate all answers to me and still hope that you will
give me further helps.

with best regards,

> Good luck.
> --
> Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
> http://be-well.ilk.org/~lowell/<http://be-well.ilk.org/%7Elowell/>
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