On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 15:23 +0100, Ivan Voras wrote:
> Da Rock wrote:
> > Would this be in the cpu itself or in the mainboard (best guess)? If its
> > the cpu it could be from overheating (could the cpu alone cause all
> > these errors?), but mainboard would mean an inherent communication
> > problem wouldn't it?
> If you can look up the CPU temperature in your BIOS setup, you can
> easily see if the CPU is overheating - reboot and look it up immediately
> after the problems start.

I'm not sure I expressed myself too clearly; I meant cpu failure due to
it running too hot for extended periods of time, not causing immediate
problems while this occurring but making the problem apparent later when
the now damaged component on the chip is used.

Thinking about it, though, it would seem more likely that one of the
bridges (north bridge?)(which would mean their cooling mechs aren't
doing very well in the laptop chassis) would be in its death throws
because the cpu is less involved when data is transferred between
components like disks, usb, and video. The cpu is only dragged into the
action to start the process and monitor that it has been completed, or
to handle something the component can't handle like decoding or
encoding. Does that make sense or am I talking gibberish?

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