- on almost all my machines I have problems with CD/DVD drives, mostly
things like READ_BIG timeout, etc. I tried almost everything (disabling
ACPI, DMA, upgrading the drive BIOS, etc), disabling DMA resolved some
problems, but it's still impossible to burn a DVD for example.

i don't have. i use only atapicam+cd driver, no acd.

- my mouse (a Logitec MX 300, USB) is still undetected at boot. Every
time I have to unplug/plug it after boot. Not a big deal I admit, but
- USB mass storage plug/unplug sometimes causes system panic. I know

never got such thing, except when i forgot to unmount

that this is a well known bug that require some rearchitecting and that
a proper umount has always been the way to umount a drive, but,
honestly, you cannot seriously convince someone to use FreeBSD with
things like this ...
- Altough ports are fantastic, building things like OpenOffice or ... is
just inhuman, especially when you cannot use -j for building ports (but
it's being resolved I think). Of course there are packages, but it's far
less friendly to use (and manage) than apt-get/dpkg.

you may pkg_add from ftp repository
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