On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 02:21:05AM +0000, Grzegorz Junka wrote:
> colors on the Windows terminal. For that I reconfigured putty/rxvt to 
> report the (logical) terminal type as xterm-256color. That didn't work 

ncurses has an rxvt-256color entry...

> so I tried to redefine the TERM environment variable on my account, but 
> that didn't work either. The problem seems to be with the Co value 
> defined for the xterm terminal type, because 'tput Co' shows 8 instead 
> of 256 for all physical/logical terminal configurations. I hope now it 
> is clear what I am running where.

tput is only going to show what's in the terminal database.
For "xterm", that's normally 8 colors, unless someone's modified it.

Thomas E. Dickey

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