Dear Mysterious Unnamed Tech Support Person,

I frequently donate time to the FreeBSD project by answering questions
on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

We recently had one of your users ask "what is the daemon and why is
it on my web page":

I'm sure I speak for many people involved with FreeBSD when I say,
We're glad to see that you're using FreeBSD and glad that you promote
it, but we would appreciate it if you could provide a little more
information to your users.

Something like "If you are having difficulties, click on this link
to email tech support" that would take the user's attention away
from the beastie and keep them from searching in the wrong place
for the answer to their problem.

As you can guess, we were unable to do anything more for your user
than refer him back to your tech support.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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