--On May 9, 2009 5:54:28 PM -0500 Michel Talon <ta...@lpthe.jussieu.fr> wrote:

Paul Schmehl wrote:
The amd.ko.symbols file was created when I upgraded to 7.2 last
Wednesday.  What creates that file?  And how do I update it?  Could it
be the cause of the problem?

The amd.ko kernel module has nothing to do with the automounter. It is a
device driver for some hardware (man 4 amd).

As for your config file, it seems fine at first sight, but perhaps there
are some "invisible" characters in it causing problems. The syntax is
explained in
man amd.conf

Thanks. I moved the amd.conf file to amd.conf.bak and created a new one. Amd still thinks there's a problem:

# amd -F /etc/amd.conf
AMDCONF: syntax error on line 2 (section global)

# cat /etc/amd.conf

I think I'm going to csup sources again and rebuild world.

Paul Schmehl, If it isn't already
obvious, my opinions are my own
and not those of my employer.
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