Mark Hartkemeyer said the following on 2009-06-04 18:23:
I'm pretty new to FreeBSD and was reading part of Greg Lehey's The
Complete FreeBSD 4th Edition.  I found the section on ISPs in chapter
18 really interesting.  I put some of his recommended questions to my
ISP, Cincinnati Bell's Zoomtown.  I think I talked to three or four
people before I even got some of them answered.

Here are some of the questions and answers:

1. What speed connections do you offer?
    5MBps upload/5MBps download (she said bytes, but should it be bits?)

My isp have up to 1Gbyte/s costs 1000SEK a month

2. Can you supply a static IP address? At what cost?
    Yes, $49.95/month for the whole Internet package

Yes 50SEK a month

3. How many hops are there to the backbone?
    "It depends on the site you're trying to reach." (I think they
misunderstood what I meant by "backbone"?)

No answer

4. What kind of hardware and software are you running?
    "Can't provide this, due to security reasons."

Sun and solaris + linux

5. Can you supply primary or secondary DNS for me?
    "You need a static IP."

No. Do it yourself.

6. Can you provide name registration? At what cost?
    "Talk to residential services."


7. Do you give complete access to the Internet, or do you block some ports?
    "Cannot provide this info, due to security reasons."  After
asking, I was told that I would be able to run a mail server and http
server on my connection.

Outgoing port 25, 137-139 closed. Incoming port 137-139, 445 closed

8. Do you have complete reverse DNS?
    (They didn't know.)


I assume this is a pretty typical response from ISPs.  Has anyone
asked their ISP questions like these?  If so, what kind of response
did you get?  Does anyone know of a really good ISP, or a good
resource for finding a good ISP around Cincinnati, OH?

Mark Hartkemeyer

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