Manolis Kiagias <> writes:

>> I have inherited an old FreeBSD 5.1 machine(5.1-RELEASE-p18). I
>> realize that the short answer to my question is more than likely to
>> upgrade the OS to a current release and I would if I had that option
>> right now, but I do not. I needed to upgrade the perl/openssh/openssl
>> implementation on this box. My first thought was to use the port on
>> the machine that was from that era but make fails. So then I thought
>> to csup the ports tree and try with a new version, that fails as well.
>> The error is as follows:
> 5.1 (in fact all 5.X) has reached EOL. The latest ports tree won't
> compile stuff for 5.X.  Use the following line in your ports-supfile to
> get the last ports tree that was supported in 5.X:
> *default release=cvs tag=RELEASE_5_EOL
> instead of
> *default release=cvs tag=.
> Still, since this is going to be really old you may still have problems
> (missing distfiles and so on). But is worth trying if you must stay with
> 5.X for whatever reason.

One thing it won't do is get you any of the bug fixes to the ssh port.

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
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