Lowell Gilbert wrote:
Manolis Kiagias <son...@otenet.gr> writes:

I have inherited an old FreeBSD 5.1 machine(5.1-RELEASE-p18). I
realize that the short answer to my question is more than likely to
upgrade the OS to a current release and I would if I had that option
right now, but I do not. I needed to upgrade the perl/openssh/openssl
implementation on this box. My first thought was to use the port on
the machine that was from that era but make fails. So then I thought
to csup the ports tree and try with a new version, that fails as well.
The error is as follows:

5.1 (in fact all 5.X) has reached EOL. The latest ports tree won't
compile stuff for 5.X.  Use the following line in your ports-supfile to
get the last ports tree that was supported in 5.X:

*default release=cvs tag=RELEASE_5_EOL

instead of

*default release=cvs tag=.

Still, since this is going to be really old you may still have problems
(missing distfiles and so on). But is worth trying if you must stay with
5.X for whatever reason.

One thing it won't do is get you any of the bug fixes to the ssh port.

As a number of people have pointed out this is turning into a bigger headache than it needs to be. The good thing is that allowed me to get the ok to upgrade the system. This box will be taken out of service in the near future but I do need it to remain functional for a couple months.

Is there a recommended upgrade path? I know about cvsup and whatnot. What I mean is are there some blatant gotchas when making this big a jump (5.1p18 -> 6.4)? Are there some recommended stops along the way or can it be done in one fell swoop. Is Colin Percival's freebsd-update.sh a viable way to approach this?
This is a production box so I want to cover my bases before I jump into this.


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