Wojciech Puchar escribio':

I am a long time Linux user (desktop and server) and started with FreeBSD a year ago. Thanks to the book Absolute FreeBSD 2nd Edition I learned a lot about the OS and how to configure different services I used in Linux (Slackware).

very rare case today - someone that read books FIRST :)))
We always said that when everything fails, go to the books =o)
Like I said previously... a lot of idle time in my former job.

I had a proxy server (Squid + Dansguardian) under Slackware on the LAN which, via 'ip route' I make it use 3 gateways connected each one to an ADSL line and balance the requests. Unfortunately my server crashed and I took the oportunity to install a new one under FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE. Squid and Dansguardian are working fine. My problem is that I don't know how to make the server use the other 2 gateways I have left and balance the requests on all ADSL lines.

use ipfw and fwd command.
for example with output section

add 10000 fwd gw1_IP from DSL1_subnet to any via gw1_ethernet
add 10001 fwd gw2_IP from DSL2_subnet to any via gw2_ethernet
add 10002 fwd gw3_IP from DSL3_subnet to any via gw3_ethernet

please do treat above as an example of course.
Of course... more reading to do about ipfw

Of course use right squid commands so it will select right source IP based on the rules you want, but as you already did id under linux i assume you have this practiced already.
Last configurarion was a transparent proxy with request coming from the firewall LAN interface (actual LAN gateway). It is working that way now and I intend to take it away and make the proxy the default gateway of the LAN and do the balance..

i had 5+2 Polish Telecom links connected to one server - worked fine.
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