On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 05:40:20PM +0100, Bas Essers wrote:

> i just installed bash2 from the ports collection and used "chsh" to make it
> my shell. and now when i log in i get bash but it doesn't run in interactive
> mode, only when i start another one with "bash -i", and that's also the only
> way to get bash to read ~/.bashrc. does anyone know what the problem is?
> should i create a different startup script or something? i don't have any
> standard .bashrc, /etc/login or .bash_login files. thanks

That's normal.  When bash(1) is started as a login shell, it reads the
first one out of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile it can
find.  Otherwise, for non-login shells it reads ~/.bashrc

If you want ~/.bashrc to be read for all shells, you need to add
something like the following to ~/.bash_login:

    if [ -f ${HOME}/.bashrc ] ; then
        . ${HOME}/.bashrc



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