>I enabled a few WITHOUT_ options in src.conf. However, the
>binaries for that still exists after a installworld. Is there an
>automatic way to "clean up" the base install?

Yes and no.  These files are supposed to be removed by running:

make delete-old
make delete-old-libs

(see /usr/src/UPDATING).  However, some of the less-commonly used
knobs from src.conf do not receive routine testing, and are broken:
either they break the build, or they leave files behind.  There are
PRs for some of these problems, and others remain to be fixed.  The
best solution for now is to run the commands above, and then do a
separate cleaning of the base system, using the timestamps as a guide.
 Here find(1) is your friend.  I usually use something like:

find /bin /sbin /lib /libexec /rescue /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/include
/usr/lib /usr/lib32 \
/usr/libdata /usr/libexec /usr/share ! -ctime 1

soon after the installation, and then inspect the output before
deleting. Be careful when cleaning, and don't forget that there are a
few commonly-installed ports, like perl, that leave important files in
base system directories.

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