Freeco wrote:

> Steve Bertrand wrote:

>                               |-------------<pc>
>                               |
> ISP>-----<Switch>---<Gateway>--<Switch>----<pc>
>           |   \               |
>           |     \             |_____________<pc>
>           |       \
>          <server1>  <server2>

> So i'll need 2 more NIC's for
> gateway?

No, unless there is something I don't know about.

> I think that my ISP uses the 2nd image. In my room is a switch. In our home
> is switch. 3 homes from mine is a gateway. I don't know what else there is. 

Ok. Lets start with the basics.

- What is connected to the switch in your room?
- what is connected to the switch in your home?
- what is connected to the gateway down the street?
- how do you connect your room, to your home, to the house three homes away?

This new information makes it more believable that there is some sort of
cabling mishap.

> P.S. Sorry for my poor english

You don't have to be. You're doing just fine!


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