Przemyslaw Frasunek wrote:

> Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>> Przemyslaw should email security-officer with any details he thinks are
>> relevant.  Then the security team will make sure to fix the bug for all
>> affected releases of FreeBSD, release a patch with the fix, issue an
>> advisory through the usual channels, and post the details online at our
>> security information web pages at <>.
> I see that I received a lot of criticism after disclosing 6.4
> vulnerability. Please read some facts:
> I send few mails: on 29th Aug to security team, on 2nd Sep and 11th Sep
> directly to security officer. None of them were responded. I haven't
> filled any PRs, because it would disclose details of vulnerability to the
> public and allow blackhats to exploit it.
> I won't publish anything more than video, before official security
> advisory. The exploit is private to me and it won't be given to the
> "community".
> Michael Powell wrote:
>> Quoted from
>> "The bug was fixed in 6.1-STABLE, just before release of 6.2-RELEASE, but
>> was not recognized as security vulnerability."
> This is another bug. The former one affected only 6.1, this one affects
> everything up to 6.4-STABLE.

Please allow me to express my appreciation for your efforts in this matter. 
Your work will only improve FreeBSD and I would like to thank you kindly for 
that. I apologize if any, or all, of my comments appeared critical of your 

I was trying to express criticism of the writer whose only imperative was to 
generate a sensationalist headline. 


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