Oliver Mahmoudi wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am trying to set up a crossover cable network between two computers
> running FreeBSD 7.0.
> The network cards are configured and they work, i.e. I pinged myself and it
> works.
> However, when booting up the systems I always get the error message that the
> link status
> of my network cards has changed to down.
> Running `ifconfig` tells me that no carrier has been detected even though
> the cable ends are
> plugged in.

What type of cards are they?

I've noticed in the past that sometimes I had to manually force the
cards to 'UP' prior to assigning any addresses to them:

ifconfig_em6="inet6 2607:f118:1:2::/64 eui64"

Try the "up" statement, and see if it helps after the next reboot.


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