No, I think you added the '/' before 'etc', which isn't in the web page.
Is the problem perhaps in your /etc/rc.d/vm1 script? Normally you would use /etc/rc.d/jail.
Yes, I'm. Sorry - it was a typo. I used this:

/etc/rc.d/jail start vm1
Are those addresses already assigned on the host?
Was the jail perhaps already running?
My computer is a windows machine, with address 192.168.0.X
Then the FreeBSD host is actually a guest os running in wvmare. It has address
And finally, the vm1 jail should have

I don't know why is not working for the jail. Anyway, if I change the jail's address to then

/etc/rc.d/jail start vm1
Starting jails: vm1.localdomain.

Now the next question: how can I access the hosted (jailed) OS? I know it is a dumb question, but I have no idea. I would like to:

a.) run sshd in the jail
b.) login from the host to the jailed (hosted) OS
c.) install programs on the jail, configure them and finally
d.) use NATD to divert some pacakges from the host to the jail and back

Probably this is what everybody does, so if you could point me to a tutorial or something, I would appriciate it.



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