--On Friday, March 19, 2010 17:04:17 -0400 Alejandro Imass <a...@p2ee.org> 

To the O.P.:

How about submiting the patch to the community so it can be added by the
port maintainer?  If it actually fixes a bug in the software you can't be
the only one would benefit from the patch.

That was going to be my next question, but I am currently debugging to
see why this common fix I've used in Linux is not not working on FBSD.

Ports can throw you for a loop if you're used to building from source. Others have given you good instructions on how to fix the problem, but here's a brief overview:

1) Go in to the port directory
2) Type make clean to remove any work directories
3) Type make extract - this extracts the tarball into the working directories that FreeBSD expects to find
4) Type make patch to apply any patches that the port maintainer has included
5) Enter the directory where the problem source file is - usually work/portname-version/some subdir
6) Copy it to filename.c.orig
7) Edit filename.c to include your changes
8) Diff the two files and put the resulting patch file in portdir/files (Note: If the file in question is already being patched by the port, you will need to apply your diff to file as well as the edits in the existing patch - doing that is not an exercise for the faint of heart. If that's the case here, respond and folks will help you sort it out.) 9) Edit the patch file (now in portdir/files) so that the first two lines "point" to the actual location of the file in the working directories. (For example, if the working directory has a subdir named "sc", and your file is in there, the first two lines of the patch would be edited thus: from filename.c to src/filename.c and from filename.c.orig to src/filename.c.orig
10) Return to the portdir and type make clean
11) Type make extract and then make patch - if it works, you should be able to do the install - if it doesn't work, post the errors here and we'll figure it out

Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
are my own and not those of my employer.
"It is as useless to argue with those who have
renounced the use of reason as to administer
medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson

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