On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Bauer, Aaron J.
<aaron.j.ba...@saic.com> wrote:
> I am currently using FreeNAS 0.7 for a file server.  I have multiple SSH 
> bruteforce attacks each week, and wish to use fail2ban to prevent this.
> I don't have much experience with BSD, and am having trouble getting 
> everything to work.  I ran pkg_add -r python25 and pkg_add -r py25-fail2ban.  
> I now have all the files for Fail2Ban, and did the cp jail.conf jail.local as 
> the other distro's for linux use.
> However, how do I start using fail2ban?  I have configured it for CentOS and 
> Ubuntu, and it starts in init.d.  I don't know how to add it to /etc/rc.d to 
> get it to work correctly..

add the line:
to /etc/rc.conf
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