
I want to install java and tomcat. After some time trying I could not
install the JDK, I first tried to install diablo jdk 1.6.
I go to /usr/ports/java/diablo-jdk1.6, turns out that I have to go through
further step due to licensing,
I do that step and go to
and choose:

Diablo Caffe JDK 1.6.0-7 FreeBSD 7.x/i386 End-User 61M

I read and accept the licensing terms,

then I do pkg_add Diablo Caffe JDK 1.6.0-7 FreeBSD 7.x/i386 End-User 61M
and the problem starts,

it's requiring me to install javavmwrapper
In install the respoective port
then try again
pkg_add Diablo Caffe JDK 1.6.0-7 FreeBSD 7.x/i386 End-User 61M
and it turns out that I also need a different version of x libraries,
for example, I'm required to install:

I go to sysinstall and I realize that because my version of FreeBSD is 7.3,
but it already includes the newer versions of  xtrans,

I am currently downloading a previous version of FreeBSD (7.1) to see if it
has the required previous version of xtrans,

I am concerned because according to the literature diablo is supposed to
be the maintained jdk for FreeBSD. And I realize that I am having to
download version 7.1 when we are already on version 8.0 of FreeBSD to make
java work

My question is: is Java in FreeBSD an experimental/academic package? Should
I rather go with the linux compatibility way?

Am I doing things incorrectly?

thank you

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