2010/4/25 herbey zepeda <zepedaher...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I want to install java and tomcat. After some time trying I could not
> install the JDK, I first tried to install diablo jdk 1.6.
> I go to /usr/ports/java/diablo-jdk1.6, turns out that I have to go through
> further step due to licensing,
> I do that step and go to
> http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/downloads/java.shtml
> and choose:
> Diablo Caffe JDK 1.6.0-7 FreeBSD 7.x/i386 End-User 61M
> diablo-jdk-freebsd7.i386.
> I read and accept the licensing terms,
> then I do pkg_add Diablo Caffe JDK 1.6.0-7 FreeBSD 7.x/i386 End-User 61M
> diablo-jdk-freebsd7.i386.
> and the problem starts,
> it's requiring me to install javavmwrapper
> In install the respoective port
> then try again
> pkg_add Diablo Caffe JDK 1.6.0-7 FreeBSD 7.x/i386 End-User 61M
> diablo-jdk-freebsd7.i386.
> and it turns out that I also need a different version of x libraries,
> for example, I'm required to install:
> xtrans-1.0.4
> I go to sysinstall and I realize that because my version of FreeBSD is 7.3,
> but it already includes the newer versions of  xtrans,
> I am currently downloading a previous version of FreeBSD (7.1) to see if it
> has the required previous version of xtrans,
> I am concerned because according to the literature diablo is supposed to
> be the maintained jdk for FreeBSD. And I realize that I am having to
> download version 7.1 when we are already on version 8.0 of FreeBSD to make
> java work
> My question is: is Java in FreeBSD an experimental/academic package? Should
> I rather go with the linux compatibility way?
> Am I doing things incorrectly?



cd /usr/ports/java/diablo-jdk16
make install

2.Download the package manually from the links provided by Ports. This
is due to licensing issues.
3.Copy the downloaded file into /usr/ports/distfiles.
4.Launch the installation again
5.Maybe you need repeat step 2 and download another package.

Note: Please note that due to the current Sun licensing policy the
resulting binaries can not be distributed and you are only permitted
to use/hack it personally. Due to the same reasons you have to
manually fetch the source code and patchset for FreeBSD.

If you should have trouble, you can see the FreeBSD Handbook section
on "installing applications" for help.


this port Requires: inputproto-1.5.0, javavmwrapper-2.3.4,
kbproto-1.0.3, libICE-1.0.4_1,1, libSM-1.1.0_1,1, libX11-1.2.1_1,1,
libXau-1.0.4, libXdmcp-1.0.2_1, libXext-1.0.5,1, libXi-1.2.1,1,
libXp-1.0.0,1, libXt-1.0.5_1, libXtst-1.0.3_1, libpthread-stubs-0.3_3,
libxcb-1.5, pkg-config-0.23_1, printproto-1.0.4, recordproto-1.13.2,
xextproto-7.0.5, xproto-7.0.15

javavmwrapper-2.3.4 this port  does not Requires another


Your problem its with xtrans (diablo-jdk16 and javavmwrapper does not
Requires xtrans)

Maybe you need upgrade your ports


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