On Sunday 22 August 2010 06:22:48 Fred Boatwright wrote:
> Eitan Adler wrote:
>>> The actual problem I am having is that startx produces only a completely
>>> black screen.  Xorg -config xorg.conf.new -retro  produces the expected
>>> grid and mouse pointer. Â A .xinitrc file is supposed to start a window
>>> manager.
>> Modern X.org installs don't show a default window manager (so a black
>> screen is "expected). What is the contents of your .xinitrc file?
> The .xinitrc file:
>  xrdb
>  xsetroot -solid gray &
>  xterm -geometry +0-100 &
>  xconsole -geometry -0+0 -fn 5x7 &
> #exec olvwm   #complained about a missing font
>  exec fvwm
> I have also tried twm.
> This file was generated from an example in the Handbook.

Check if you actually have those programs installed. If not, you need
to install these ports: x11/xrdb, x11/xsetroot, x11/xterm, x11/xconsole,

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