On Fri, 10 Dec 2010, Michael Powell wrote:

Grant Peel wrote:

I suspect I have an issue with Proftpd and need to update it quickly. At
Christmas break we will be apdating all ports and src, but for now, I
would like to get the latest version of Proftpd up.

What is the best / quickest method of getting 1 single port updated?
(Proftpd 1.3.3c)

Since this is in the ports, refresh your ports tree. Then just cd to
/usr/ports/ftp/proftpd and do make && make deinstall && make reinstall.

make clean deinstall install

is a little safer. But the problem that many people run into is that they haven't updated other installed ports, including infrastructure like the autotools ports that were updated today. So when they try to update a single port, things it depends on are missing or outdated.
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