On Fri, 27 May 2011, Warren Block wrote:

On Fri, 27 May 2011, David Demelier wrote:


I have a USB keyboard that use uhid for multimedia keys, it works pretty well with usbhidaction but I need to run the command by hand each time.

Because I also have gamepad that are uhid too, I would like to get the vendor and product id of this keyboard uhid to match the good hid device with devd and do not try to run usbhidaction on the gamepad.

usbconfig need ugenx.y to deal with vendor and product id so how can I know the vendor and product id of my uhid device ?

devd returns a device-name value. I thought there was an example in the scanner section of the Handbook, but no. A rough example:

attach 20 {
        device-name "ugen[0-9].[0-9]";
        match "vendor" "0x09999";
        match "product" "0x9999";
        action "/usr/bin/usbhidaction $device-name ...";

Which should be "-f $device-name"...
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