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Well for the worth of it, I use Sendmail, Procmail, SpamAssassin and IMAP-UW 
but with my setup the IMAP software used, is totaly irrelevant.

My setup is as follows:

$ tail /usr/local/etc/procmailrc
:0fw: /var/run/spamassassin.lock
* < 256000
| /usr/local/bin/spamc

$ tail $HOME/.procmailrc
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

$ tail $HOME/.forward
"|IFS=' '&&exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 $USER"

Maybe this can help you out...


On April 1, 2003 01:17 am, Kirk Strauser wrote:
> Up until this morning, I had a working setup where Sendmail used Procmail
> for local delivery, and the global procmailrc called SpamAssassin (via
> spamc) to insert an "X-Spam-Status:" header into incoming emails.  I used
> Procmail rather than a milter because my server is a secondary MX for an
> associate's domains, and the poor unenlightened soul doesn't want his email
> to be processed.  Since a milter processes all email passing through a
> machine, and Procmail only works on mail being delivered locally, it was
> the perfect fit.
> I installed Cyrus IMAP 2.1.12 from ports today, and was able to make
> Sendmail deliver directly to it without too much work.  However, now I
> really want to insert Procmail (or at least spamc) somewhere into the
> pipeline so that my mail is conveniently marked for disposal again.  I've
> found about 100 half-way recipes on Google (web and Usenet); some call
> Procmail as the local mailer and ignore Cyrus altogether, and some set
> Procmail to by Cyrus' delivery agent.  However, not one single setup that I
> tried seemed to work.  No matter what I did, either procmailrc was ignored,
> or mail was silently discarded without being delivered.
> It's now well past my bed time, my brain is all muzzy, and I'm "this close"
> to giving up on the whole project.  Before I do, I have to ask: has
> *anyone* made Sendmail+Cyrus+Procmail+SpamAssassin work?  In order of most
> undesirable to least:
> 1) Sendmail needs to stay.  Switching MTA's isn't something I can do right
>    now.
> 2) I don't want to give up SpamAssassin.  I've been without it for about 12
>    hours, and the amount of spam in my previously-pristine inbox is
>    sickening.
> 3) I don't want to give up Procmail, because I don't want to process mail
>    that's merely passing through my machine.
> 4) I don't want to give up Cyrus because I'm trying to get some experience
>    with it locally before deploying it on customers' production systems.
> Anyone who can help me with the least amount of pain (see the above metric)
> will have my eternal gratitude.  Or at least a hearty "Thanks!" once I've
> had a sleep cycle and some caffeine.

- -- 
Rick Fournier ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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