At 2003-04-02T08:45:08Z, Miguel Mendez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The -F0 option was an option that made spamassassin not alter the headers,
> as it would confuse some programs. It's not needed since 2.44
> iirc.


> Because spamassassin is being ran as user cyrus, you need to tell it where
> to search for user_prefs.

I covered that at:

> is a good starter, specially the provided
> samples. Have a look at them and you'll figure out most of the stuff.

That's just what I needed.  Thanks!  I didn't realize until yesterday that
the lack of a common filtering method was pretty much the sole component
that keeps me from switching email clients at will.  If I can get the
server-side filtering to the point I like it, I should be able to use any
number of clients (depending on whether I'm at a local X terminal, SSH'ing
in remotely, etc.) without any significant difference in functionality.
That's pretty slick.

> Btw, I've seen you finally solved it. I'd like to add your howto document
> to's site, mind if I do (giving credit, of course)

Feel free.  Of course, be advised that the document is on a Wiki server, and
therefore subject to change (even by people other than me) at any time.
Kirk Strauser
In Googlis non est, ergo non est.

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