Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 18 Jun 2011, per...@pluto.rain.com wrote:
> > After booting 8.1-RELEASE single-user, what must I do to upgrade
> > the root FS mount from read-only to read-write?  I have tried:
> >
> > # mount -u /
> That's what I use.  Try running fsck on it first.

I didn't try fsck -- it's a gjournal, so shouldn't need it, and had
definitely been unmounted cleanly anyway -- but I did try -f which
should have forced the upgrade even if it had needed a fsck.  Still
no upgrade, and no messages.  What finally worked was to reboot, and
do the upgrade before anything else (still without fsck, confirming
that that was not the problem).

There is pretty clearly some kind of bug involved.  Perhaps there
was a legitimate reason for the upgrade to fail, but it surely
should not have failed _silently_.
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