On 08/23/11 10:24, Polytropon wrote:
On Sat, 20 Aug 2011 23:13:32 -0500, Jorge Biquez wrote:
Seriously I would like to see or hear about the comparison chart
between all OSs. And a question arrive to my mind... if for some
reason, I know it is impossible, but if for some reason FreeBSD would
stop existing... serious users of FreeBSD, what would be your next OS? Why?

Surely one of the other BSDs (OpenBSD as 1st choice, NetBSD as
second), maybe some of the more "UNIX-like" Linusi (the "too
complicated" ones, maybe those relying on source), and of course
Solaris and Mac OS X are worth mentioning here. Those systems
could be productive and good to maintain if FreeBSD should ever


i reference to rule #10 of RFC1925 that states :

<<One size never fit all>>

from my point of view it is a truth also in OS, not only in networking.

as long as my goal is a videogame station the "quality" OS maybe very different from the one i will consider "qualitative" for a webfarm.

in short the goal drives choice, and from my experience (over 35 years in IT) FreeBSD is the best-fit for use in internetworking, partially due to his resilence, partially for the overall quality of the kernel, partially for the ease-of-use, the ease-to-understood, open-source software availability and more "minor" properties

it is relatively simple to build and maintain a webfarm with FreeBSD as the *exclusive* OS without fear of "hackers", spam, virus and almost all internet-zoo.

in short : i *love* FreeBSD, if ever it will die feel there are more and more volunteers to bulid a new one that will honour the "twelve networking rules"



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