On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

This is from the log:

# gpart show ada0
=>       63  625142385  ada0  MBR  (298G)
        63  121274683        - free -  (57G)
 121274746  503862599     2  ebr  [active]  (240G)
 625137345       5103        - free -  (2.5M)

# gpart add -t freebsd -i1 ada0
ada0s1 added

Now it becomes complicated, since the log is a mess:

=>       63  625142385  ada0  MBR  (298G)
        63  121274622     1  freebsd  (57G)
 121274685         61        - free -  (30k)
 121274746  503862599     2  ebr  [active]  (240G)
 625137345       5103        - free -  (2.5M)

That looks okay.

# gpart show ada0s1
=>        0  121274622  ada0s1  EBR  (57G)
         0  121274622          - free -  (57G)

# gpart create -s bsd ada0s1
gpart: geom 'ada0s1': File exists

Sorry, no idea on that.  Because of the extended partitions, maybe.
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