I have a client looking for a POS system and they need to be able to connect an EFTPOS terminal (credit/debit card terminal) to obtain data for transactions from. Has anyone here had any experience with this?

I'm used to servers and such, but the goal here is to use a CRM (vTiger or such) with ERP/POS, and the server is in a room and the POS terminal in another (naturally). It currently works with a very basic accounts package running on Winblows, and the aim is to have a web based POS system (or similar) for online/instore transactions, with a secure EFTPOS terminal just at the front desk.

Ideally we want to be able to use any web enabled system to be able to dropped in for quick deployment to use as a POS system and maintenance is kept to the server backend.

My research so far has dragged up a lot of Winblows only solutions, and some IP based ones. I'm wondering how hard it is to get a serial connection working for linux/BSD to the EFT terminal? Or if that is even a consideration at all if it needs to communicate to a web based POS system- does that mean it has to IP based to communicate directly with the server itself?

If anyone has some dev material (or links to such) would be handy as well- I need to get a far better picture of all this.

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