> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 5:58 PM
> Cc: Tomlinson, Drew
> On Sunday 29 June 2003 06:02 pm, Tomlinson, Drew wrote:
> > I've installed courier-imap 1.7.1 using portupgrade on my 
> 4.8 system 
> > but I can't figure out how to start it.  I'm familiar with 
> > /usr/local/etc/rc.d and see links to start scripts there but when I 
> > run them, I get errors about being unable to find files.  Here's and
> > example:
> >
> > blacklamb# ./courier-imap-imapd.sh.sample start
> > .: Can't open /usr/local/etc/courier-imap/imapd-ssl: No 
> such file or 
> > directory
> >
> > I assume this has to do with the files not being installed 
> where the 
> > scripts expect to find them.  Next I try a 'whereis' to find the
> > file:
> The courier-imap port is not as friendly as many other ports. 
> It stumped 
> me for a while too. Finally I saw and actually read the last message 
> the "make" process emitted (from the tail end of 
> /usr/ports/mail/courier-imap/Makefile):

I re-ran portupgrade and specifically looked for some sort of message like
this but apparently I missed it.  Thanks for pointing this out.
> @${ECHO_MSG} ""
> @${ECHO_MSG} "You will have to run ${DATADIR}/mkimapdcert to 
> create" @${ECHO_MSG} "a self-signed certificate if you want 
> to use imapd-ssl." @${ECHO_MSG} "And you will have to copy 
> and edit the *.dist files to *" @${ECHO_MSG} "in ${CONFDIR}." 
> @${ECHO_MSG} ""
> Believe this will get you going:
> % su
> # cd /usr/local/etc/courier-imap
> # cp -p imapd-ssl.dist imapd-ssl
> # cp -p imapd.dist imapd
> # cp -p authdaemonrc.dist authdaemonrc
> After copying the following I edited it for my location just 
> in case I 
> ever used x509 certificates:
> # cp -p imapd.cnf.dist imapd.cnf
> and for POP3 (I don't use):
> # cp -p pop3d.dist pop3d
> # cp -p pop3d.cnf.dist pop3d.cnf
> # cp -p pop3d-ssl.dist pop3d-ssl
> and finally:
> # cd /usr/local/etc/rc.d
> # cp -p courier-imap-imapd.sh.sample courier-imap-imapd.sh
> # sh courier-imap-imapd.sh start

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!  Your instructions are perfect and
complete.  I was able to run the startup script without errors and see
authdaemond.plai, couriertcpd, and courierlogger in the ps output so I guess
it's running.
> The final thing which stumped me was Apple's Mail.app connecting to 
> courier-imapd ran an infinite loop of repeating connects because 
> ~/Maildir was only a directory and did not contain cur/ new/ and tmp/ 
> directories. See maildirmake(1). Unless you are using quotas 
> it doesn't 
> appear to be any different than "( umask 77; mkdir -p ~/Maildir/cur 
> ~/Maildir/new ~/Maildir/tmp )"

I ran maildirmake (as me, not root) in my home directory and it made the
Maildir and associated files.  However when I attempt to log in using an
Outlook Express client (what I have at work), the login fails.  

I used to have courier-imap running but a hard drive failure has left me
rebuilding my whole system.  I thought I had good backups until I tried to
restore them...but that's another story.  Anyway, my point is that because
the OE client used to work, I'm sure it's configured correctly and it's the
imap server that's not.  So, is there a default log file?  I used to see
imap messages in /var/log/maillog but I don't see any now.  How can I turn
on logging?  I've read the imapd man page but have not seen anything.  A
quick search on Google yielded no results either.  I'm going to continue
looking but if you happen to know I'd really appreciate it.

It seems when I did this before, I had to edit something to provide the
right pam modules?  I'm probably not saying it right but it was something to
do with pam.

Thanks again.  With any luck I'll be up soon.

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