
I'm running FreeBSD 4.8-Stable with ipfw, dummynet and ipsec enabled in the
kernel but bypassed via config/not being used for the moment. I'm using this
machine as a router between my local network and a WAN, with a 3com905c-tx
ethernet card and an Avaya 802.11b wifi card.

I've just built this machine over the past two or three days and have
encountered a problem with the ethernet side of the network. When i upload
or download from the machine with proftpd or apache over the ethernet
network (100mbit switched) im being limited to 50K/sec or less. If i start
two ftp downloads or have an ftp and httpd download going, the 50K/sec is
divided between the two connections, slowing both to about 25K/sec. I can
transfer fine over the 802.11b network card, with no throttling appearing
(upload/download rates of ~ 500K/sec). I can ftp over the WAN - through this
router machine - and download or upload from the WAN at a fine speed with no
apparent throttling appearing (again ~500K/sec achieved), which rules out
damage to the cabling etc.

Im completly stumped as to whats causing this, any help would be


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