Hi everbody, I'm new to FreeBSD and coming back after a long time away
from UNIX like OSs in the first place.  I decided to try out FreeBSD
because it seems to be a better controlled product than most of the
Linux stuff out there and what I'd really want FreeBSD for is servers
anyway, no X or anything like that.

Here's my question.  Is there a simple way to stay up to date with
FreeBSD?  The install was great!  But the whole CVSup, rebuild thing
seems a little much to do for just security updates.  Is it just a huge
thing the first time you do it and get smaller / faster after that or
am I just completely missing something else.  Could I make a refuse
file and refuse everything except what I need?  Am I clueless?

I always used Debian's apt-get update / upgrade stuff before and it was
a really simple process.  I don't doubt that FreeBSD is very powerful
but I like to be up to date with patches and stuff but don't want to
rebuild everything every time.

Thanks in advance for advising this newbie and I hope I didn't say
anything offensive, overall I'm falling in love with FreeBSD but this
one issue bothers me.


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