On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 02:55:20PM -0400, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 1. Set the hardware clock to some truly strange time (for testing
> > software).
> > 
> > 2. Reboot.
> > 
> >    a. time is set by the BIOS to the wrong time
> >    b. ntpdate corrects this (for the kernel).
> >    c. ntp keeps the time acurate (for this run session).
> > 
> > 3. shutdown (BIOS time is not corrected).
> > 
> > See the problem?
> Nope.  ntpd is supposed to set the CMOS clock, and it certainly does
> so for me.

Interesting. It does not do this under Linux, and I was assuming that the
behavior would be the same on FreeBSD.

I expect that now that I know thta, I understnad what happened to me.

On reboot with the CMOS clock set incorectly ntpd failed to satrt. I thien
ran ntpdate by hand. But of course ntpd was no longer running to set the
hardware clock.

Thanks for making me think this thru.

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                                                -- Benjamin Franklin
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