On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 04:05:06PM -0400, Bob Hall wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 08:43:18PM +0100, Jez Hancock wrote:
> > In support of the author, he does answer emails very rapidly.  In my
> > experience the majority of the recipes worked perfectly.  There was one
> > specific PEAR class example (Net CURL iirc) which he'd added in the book
> > but at the time hadn't actually released into the PEAR CVS repo.  Oops ;/
> I remember having to debug the database abstraction code, although I 
> no longer remember what the problem was. I tried to use other bits of 
> code that turned out to have bugs, none of them involving CURL. I 
> eventually stopped trying to use the SAMS book, and bought the ORielly 
> book instead. I'm sure Mr. Hughes is a good programmer, but I'm guessing 
> that he updated PHP3 code for PHP4 without testing it. For those of us 
> who don't programm PHP full time, this introduces subtle errors that are 
> sometimes hard to spot.
Like I say definitely an intermediate level book, not really the best
for learning from scratch from.

I'm just wondering whether that wrox book is still in print?  I'd heard
rumours that they'd gone out of business and had left a lot of writers 
in the lurch wrt payments etc etc... just a rumour though :)

Odd really because I'd heard that book you mention was supposed to be
very good.

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