On Sunday 10 August 2003 07:55 am, Bob Perry wrote:
> Khairil Yusof wrote:
> >On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 22:07, Bob Perry wrote:
> >>I run FreeBSD 4.7 RELEASE.  Just ran the portversion command for
> >> the first time since last Saturday and the ouptut indicated that
> >> my installed packages were up-to-date.  Thought it odd so I ran
> >> pkg_version command and picked up 9 packages in need up upgrade
> >> and several "orphaned" packages listed.  Is there a known problem
> >> with the portupgrade system or was there some warning I missed
> >> previously?
> >
> >If I'm not wrong, portversion/pkg_version relies on ports index (man
> > 8 portupgrade) which needs to be up to date in order for
> > portversion to be accurate. This is not done on a daily basis for
> > the ports tree (as it takes some time).
> >
> >What you should try to do is check that your pkgdb is ok and fix any
> >problems:
> >
> >#pkgdb -F
> >
> >then update the ports index (which takes a while)
> >
> >#portsdb -Uu
> >
> >Then run your portversion/pkg_version which should give more
> > accurate results.
> >
> >Hope this helps.
> First, thanks for taking the time to respond.
> Yesterday, I brought all of my packages up-to-date, ran pkgdb -F,
> followed by portsdb -Uu
> and rhe output from both portversion and pkg_version matched.  I
> slept well.
> This morning, portversion indicated that all packages were current
> but pkg_version showed
> p5-Date-Manip-5.40 needed to be upgraded to 5.42.  I ran portupgrade
> expecting to receive a
> message indicating that the package was current, but instead, it
> fetched, built, installed,
> p5-Date-Manip-5.42 and I thought, removed  p5-Date-Manip-5.40.
> I ran portversion again and it indicates that "p5-Date-Manip-5.42  >
> succeeds port (port has 5.40)".
> Pkg_version shows p5-Date-Manip-5.42 is up-to-date with port.
> Looks as though the portversion program may not be reading the port
> tree accurately (?).

It doesn't read the tree. It uses INDEX.db, which you are supposed to 
build after each cvsup of ports-all. To build INDEX.db, you need a 
current version of INDEX. I get too many messages from "portsdb -U" and 
use the sequence "make index" and then "portsdb -u". I run these 
everytime I cvsup ports-all. The only time you can save is adding 
"ports/INDEX" to your refuse file. There isn't any point in downloading 
INDEX and rebuilding it immediately after cvsup finishes.

If you have more ports in your refuse file, running portsdb -U is 
probably your only choice. Make is known to stop when it hits a port 
that is missing in your /usr/port fs.


> I'll have to do more investigation.  Maybe I broke something.  Thanks
> again.
> Bob
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